Parking in downtown Mystic is always challenging, particularly during the warmer seasons. If you are one of the many who make use of our lot, we would appreciate any gift you might offer to help offset maintenance costs.
The policy of Union Baptist Church (UBC) is to make the church parking lot at 119 High Street, Mystic, CT available for use by the community at large whenever the parking lot is not required to support UBC programs. Partial availability to the community when program needs do not require the entire lot is encouraged when feasible. UBC programs include, but are not limited to, Sunday Worship, scheduled events (weddings, performances, rehearsals, etc.), use of building and grounds to support outside organizations, and use of the parking lot for fundraising.
‘Parking’ is defined as entering the lot, shutting off the engine, and vacating the vehicle.
The following rules supplement the above policy to ensure efficient usage, protect visitors and the lot from unnecessary damage, and address questions regarding the policy.