Come and explore the many opportunities to learn and grow!
Sunday Morning Forum & Conversation-Adults & Youth - Enjoy in-depth discussion and guided conversation while exploring the future of Christianity, weekly at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning in the multi-purpose room behind the church office . The group meets Mid-September through Father’s Day. Youth are welcome!
Thursday Night Bible Study is a wonderful way to see how the stories and events that occurred to people in Biblical times, may also apply to our own time period and lives, and as we discuss, how history sometimes repeats itself over again. We welcome anyone to this group. If you are interested, please contact the church office for more information at 860-536-9659.
Women’s Bible Study - A lectionary based bible study that allows for women to come to as few or as many meetings as they can. The group meets Wednesday mornings at 10 a.m. in the multi-purpose room.
Journeymen – A lectionary based bible men’s group that meets on Wednesday mornings at 7:30 a.m. in the Morgan House.
Women’s Fellowship - A monthly group that meets for lunch and program in the Fellowship Hall. Each meeting features a guest speaker from the congregation or an outside organization.
Prayer Shawl Ministry - A group of people who knit simple, small blankets then dedicate them with prayer to give to those in need, whether it be for an illness, a crisis, or even for life’s joys, such as the arrival of a new baby. If you know of someone who could use the comfort of one of our prayer shawls, please call the church at 860-536-9659.